Monday, January 25, 2016


 Without doubt the high cost of feeding catfish is a major challenge for catfish farmers. From experience, the cost of feeding accounts for no less than 70% of the total cost of producing a kilogram of catfish. part of the reason is that the bulk of the feed used in feeding the fish are imported. besides, they are also products of higher technology {feed extrusion}, which is costly.. the exchange rate of most local currencies, which are weaker, compared to the dollar is also a critical challenge. therefore it paramount for every farmer to look for alternative local feed options that are both cheaper and of high quality. 

these feeds will not completely replace the local or imported floating feed but will help to cut down drastically, the cost of feeding. it is my advice that it should be used in combination with the floating feed. this is especially after three months of stocking when the stark feeding more aggressively and in higher quantity.


Ingredients: Chicks starter feed; trash fish - waste dry or fresh fish,  (5kg); fish premix (1 table spoonful) and palm oil.

Materials needed: Big cooking pot; fire; transparent polythene bag - bread type; big plastic or metal basin; big cooking spoon or small dip plastic plate.

Open the feed bag (25 kg) and use a sieve with small holes to filter the feed.

Grind the rough particles to powder; also grind the trash fish to powder.

Mix the feed together with the grinned feed particles, fish trash and fish premix thoroughly.

To prepare each set of feed that will last 2 days only, measure the required quantity, add 2 spoonfuls of palm oil (per kg of feed) and add enough water as if you want to prepare moi moi. Mix thoroughly again

After mixing double the polythene bag and serve the mixed feed into  it. Close the mouth, place in the pot and cook until it is hard like moi moi. Drop and allow to cool.

To feed, cut to pieces; the size suitable for the fish. Give them this feed first  and later follow up with the floating feed.

OTHER AVAILABLE OPTIONS;  You can either add blood meal to the fish trash  or use the blood meal as an alternative. besides, you can also use soya cake in place of blood meal or fish trash

                                                           PLEASE NOTE THAT 
The information as contained herewith is based on the climatic and environmental conditions in Nigeria, which is a tropical country. Meanwhile, I will be quick to add that this article is an excerpt from the operational manual for commercial catfish farming titled AN ILLUSTRATED STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO COMMERCIAL CATFISH GROW OUT FARMING, also written by the author since 2003 now updated up to 2015. It will be useful to you; a beginner or an experienced farmer as a working and reference document. The soft copy (to be sent via email) cost 4,000 naira, while the hard copy (to be sent via courier) goes for 6,500 naira. If you are interested please call: 08023620926; 09030301242 or send email to:; festus,okpako@yahoo,com or

PAYMENT DETAILS: Festus Okpako, first bank current account number 2006146470

Other available manuals:
     PRICE: 6,000 naira (soft copy); 8,000 naira (hard copy)

     PRICE:4,000 naira (soft copy); 6,000 naira (hard copy).

Please be reminded that all SOFT COPIES will be sent via email is available for now.


  1. Thanks so much for your breakdown, I believe it will go a very long way to help fish farmers but sir I don't know if you can give an estimate of what it may likely cost me to raise 2500 pieces of fish from juvenile to maturity. Thanks

    1. I have fingerlings and juveniles

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for your comments and your inquiries. However, I would refer you to the blog post: How to determine the quantity of feed to feed a fish from stocking to harvest. Log on to:
    What matters most is that that you need between 2,500 and 2,775kg of feed to raise 2,500 fish that will weigh between 900grams and 1kg on the average. All you need to do is to determine the cost of a kg of feed and multiply it with the quantity of feed that is required. Any quantity of feed less than the recommended qty above will result in your raisings fish that has less than 900g on the average. The disadvantage of this is that the kilo price of fish weighing less than 800g on the average is lower.

  3. Thanks for your comments and your inquiries. However, I would refer you to the blog post: How to determine the quantity of feed to feed a fish from stocking to harvest. Log on to:
    What matters most is that that you need between 2,500 and 2,775kg of feed to raise 2,500 fish that will weigh between 900grams and 1kg on the average. All you need to do is to determine the cost of a kg of feed and multiply it with the quantity of feed that is required. Any quantity of feed less than the recommended qty above will result in your raisings fish that has less than 900g on the average. The disadvantage of this is that the kilo price of fish weighing less than 800g on the average is lower.

    1. Good morning and thank you for all the information you put up. You have no idea how much it's helping me. God bless you. I would like you to please refer me to anyone who sells good fish feed. Not the imported ones. Anyone you can rely on. Thank you very much

    2. Please if anyone want fingerlings you call my phone line 09037623572,08137933951

  4. Hi
    Thank you so much for this highly educative blog. I have 1560 fishes in my earthen pond. My problem is that the fishes are so active that mix the mud up so much so that the water is kind of milky. I cannot really see them. How do I treat the water so yhat it bevomes clear?

  5. Hi
    Thank you so much for this highly educative blog. I have 1560 fishes in my earthen pond. My problem is that the fishes are so active that mix the mud up so much so that the water is kind of milky. I cannot really see them. How do I treat the water so yhat it bevomes clear?

  6. Hello sir. Thanks for your guidance. Please could you knidly advise on how to treat and prepare a concrete pond after building and plastering of the pond.

  7. Thanks for sharing Sir. This very write up is very educative.

  8. Thank you for all the knowledge. I am from India. I just had to Google about moi moi
